回複:Xiaobaitu, gc2020, radiology, 各位 大俠,XDJM, 請教H-4延期問題,謝謝!

1.H-1延期已經遞交,先生用目前的 H-1申請 H-4入境,再單獨遞交 H-4 延期申請,是否可行?

2.如 H-4 延期可以單獨遞交,至少在現有 H-4 過期之前多長時間遞交上去?需要提前 45 天遞上去嗎?
No. as long as the CIS receipt date is earlier than I-94 expiration date

3.如果 H-4 延期可以單獨遞交,H-1延期 receipt尚未接到,可否使用 H-1 延期時學校file的I-129 , 代替 H-1 延期申請的 receipt?
I don't think so, and i don't think it's doable.

4.H-4延期單獨遞交,(在 H-1延期尚未批準的情況下,使用上述 H-1 延期 receipt或I-129),是否一定要找律師遞交?可否自己file?
Yes you can file I-539 yourself. However, I would wait for H1B extension approval notice. There might be some people file H4 extension with H1B extension receipt. However, what if your H1B is not approved yet when they process the H4 case?

You either file H1/H4 extension together, or file H4 extension after H1 approval.
