別去折騰那個壞的.不容易找到控製線,FREON進出口徑都MATCH的室內機. 室內機的EVAPORATOR容量也必須MATCH.
室內機一拆,FREON全跑了,還得重灌. the hassle/time/money is more than buying a new one.
consider buying a "PORTABLE" AC. it sits on the floor inside the room. It has a hose that goes through window (or a hole in the wall) to exhaust hot air. very easy to install - you do it yourself. slide the window for a crack. get a piece of foam plastic to fit the hose in the crack. works instantly. only downside is that the water pan needs to be emptied every day or two.
10000 BTU, only $399:
$399 HomeDepot
search google for this model. it got excellent reviews.
and it runs quietly
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07/11/2007 postreply