回複:Inforpass tips

try your best to get what you want
be very polite and calm in the whole meeting
if you get nothing don't argue with him/her and leave
have another infopass appointment right away

next time you might meet somebody nicer than you have expected.


回複:回複:Inforpass tips -franklin07- 給 franklin07 發送悄悄話 (74 bytes) () 06/21/2007 postreply 12:51:51

You can only expect such info from infopass -qiqimom- 給 qiqimom 發送悄悄話 (134 bytes) () 06/21/2007 postreply 13:00:30

from what i read. from infopass employee, -gc2020- 給 gc2020 發送悄悄話 (194 bytes) () 06/21/2007 postreply 14:02:26
