
來源: myturnnow 2007-05-27 13:56:35 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2962 bytes)
XBT 在這個問題上確實是半瓶子醋,誤導人.
XBT 請VB 看看原文再說話,現在先請XBT看看再說.

"許家屯,劉賓雁,嚴家其.,蘇紹智.....都是100%如假包換的黨員,許是前中共江蘇省委書記,嚴是社科院 馬列主義研究所所長......
建議樓上先去讀一下移民與國籍法ACT212關於共產黨員移民限製和有關exception,waiver兩部分的章節原文,之後再來討論。另外,公認的美國文革時期是50年代反共歇斯底裏的 麥卡錫主義時代"

(D) Immigrant membership in totalitarian party
10 (i) In general. Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or
11 affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or
12 subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.
13 (ii) Exception for involuntary membership. Clause (i) shall not
14 apply to an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien
15 establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a
16 visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for
17 admission) that the membership or affiliation is or was involuntary, or is
18 or was solely when under 16 years of age, by operation of law, or for
19 purposes of obtaining employment, food rations, or other essentials of
20 living and whether necessary for such purposes.
21 (iii) Exception for past membership. Clause (i) shall not apply to
22 an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the
23 satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the
24 satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that--
25 (I) the membership or affiliation terminated at least--
26 (a) 2 years before the date of such application, or
27 (b) 5 years before the date of such application, in
28 the case of an alien whose membership or affiliation was
29 with the party controlling the government of a foreign state
30 that is a totalitarian dictatorship as of such date, and
31 (II) the alien is not a threat to the security of the United
32 States.
33 (iv) Exception for close family members. The Attorney General
34 may, in the Attorney General's discretion, waive the application of clause
35 (i) in the case of an immigrant who is the parent, spouse, son, daughter,
36 brother, or sister of a citizen of the United States or a spouse, son, or
37 daughter of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence for
38 humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is otherwise in
39 the public interest if the immigrant is not a threat to the security of the
40 United States.

看看 :

or when it is otherwise in
39 the public interest if the immigrant is not a threat to the security of the
40 United States.

XBT舉的這些VIP黨員都是用了有利於美國PUBLIC INTEREST 這條.這裏的SMALL POTATO黨員完全不適用.
我沒說你應該填是或否,這是個RISK MANAGEMENT的問題.但XBT用這個ARGUMENT完全是誤導人.
XBT 類似這樣的半瓶子醋論點非常多.


回複:XBT和VB關於黨員的爭論,看不下去,說兩句. -doshexh- 給 doshexh 發送悄悄話 (801 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 14:16:27

同意。實際上就是一句話:自己決定,自己負責。That's all。 -yeeha- 給 yeeha 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 14:32:30

樓上的發貼,對INA原文條款的編排不便於閱讀,重新貼了在此 -xiaobaitu- 給 xiaobaitu 發送悄悄話 xiaobaitu 的博客首頁 (2360 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 15:13:37

本來我回貼的目的,是為了回複“沉默是金”網友,如果你有其它 -xiaobaitu- 給 xiaobaitu 發送悄悄話 xiaobaitu 的博客首頁 (166 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 15:21:51

讚一句小白兔, 很professional -toosad- 給 toosad 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 15:24:24

很professional? LMAO! -myturnnow- 給 myturnnow 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 21:33:35

最起碼比你更PROFESSIONAL,更厚道,查查你倆的發言就一清二楚 -灌水專用名- 給 灌水專用名 發送悄悄話 (87 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 22:56:00

回複:樓上的發貼,對INA原文條款的編排不便於閱讀,重新貼了在此 -myturnnow- 給 myturnnow 發送悄悄話 (111 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 21:32:57

誠實還是撒謊, 確屬個人決定, 但是 -toosad- 給 toosad 發送悄悄話 (139 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 15:29:26

說的好,人不要臉鬼都害怕 -DDSBGCD- 給 DDSBGCD 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2007 postreply 19:11:03

Support xiaobaitu, also an example if you are interested. -cathyliu- 給 cathyliu 發送悄悄話 (57 bytes) () 05/28/2007 postreply 07:18:04

沉默是金和catchyliu過兩天等材料準備好,又會來攪一攪。你們看著吧。 -yangsi1234- 給 yangsi1234 發送悄悄話 (159 bytes) () 05/28/2007 postreply 12:05:34



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