
Latest Update 5/11/2007 12:45 PM EST:

The cloture vote will be held in the Senate on Wednesday morning. The bill that will be put up for cloture will depend on the negotiations. If the back-door meetings produce a compromise version between Democrats led by Sen. Kennedy and Republicans led by Sen. Kyl, then that compromise (Grand bargain) will be put up for the cloture and the cloture will pass. It is also believed that if a backdoor compromise is reached, then the compromise bill or the "Grand Bargain" bill will have 70 votes in support of it.

The negotiations will continue until Tuesday night. Even right now, they are holding 12-13 hour negotiation sessions in closed rooms.

If the negotiations fail and compromise is not reached by Wednesday morning, Sen. Reid will put up last years CIR of senate (S. 2611) as the new bill and put it up for cloture. And that bill will fail to get 60 votes required for cloture and then the comprehensive reform debate will come to an end until 2009. In that case, both sides would blame each other for failure to solve the broader immigration issues. However, if that happens, then smaller and more narrow bills related to immigration (Like SKIL) will have to be taken up as the "Please wait for CIR" excuse wont be there anymore for anyone.

Either ways, Wednesday will be the big day for CIR's fate.
