Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a senior from South Korea

Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a senior from South Korea who was in the English department at Virginia Tech and lived on campus.


sound scary -用戶用戶- 給 用戶用戶 發送悄悄話 (23 bytes) () 04/17/2007 postreply 06:50:51

他們很蠻,腦子又不轉彎,威脅我們客戶的就是個學生 -lander- 給 lander 發送悄悄話 (58 bytes) () 04/17/2007 postreply 06:58:34

haha, my wife's boss also Korean always use curse word -用戶用戶- 給 用戶用戶 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/17/2007 postreply 07:13:49
