1) you will not get F-1 visa if

回答: You are Lucky. Not everybody starts from L1.HelloU2007-04-06 12:23:40

1) you will not get F-1 visa if you tell the truth. So there is no meaning to tell the truth.

2) It is diffcult to get a H-1 visa if you are outside of US.It is not because of qualification. It is due to the complexity and costs of bringing people from abroad.

3) We are all human and we work hard. Why do we have the rights to stay here. Every one is immigrant in this land.

4) We will leave if no one offers job for us. As long as we got jobs and we work hard. we are deserve to stay.


I have never looked down on 非法移民. BTW, the people -skiiiiiii- 給 skiiiiiii 發送悄悄話 skiiiiiii 的博客首頁 (192 bytes) () 04/06/2007 postreply 13:23:40
