namecheck delay observations

Poll Result: How many years have you been pending for 485 Approval? 2+ years 38% 3+ years 12% 4+ years 3%
(poll result 2-week ago)

Some observations: 1. 50+% namecheck victims is pending for 2+ year 2. the largest portion (38%) of victims are those stucking in namecheck 2 to 3 years 3. If you pending for more than 2 years and approaching to 3 years, then you have a good chance of getting cleared within a year. 4. Most cases would be cleared within 4-year timeframe. So simply waiting should be OK had you patient enough to bear 4 years 5. Xiaobaitu used said the average pending time for our chinese greencard applicant is 16 month. It's sadly true according to my whole year's observation of those approval trend reported here. For example, you are lucky if your case filled 2005 but approved lately. Only few cases filled in 2006 got approved according to my observation. 6. Most likely it is a high rate of Chinese EB applicants got stuck in name check more than 1 year. I don't believe the common sense of most people visiting here just becuase they got stucked and those short-time approved cases won't bother come here. Please be reminded, above data were collected from those who think they got name check, so its biased, it can not be applied to gerenic population. I used to think I would not be unlucky again to stuck in name check since I already stuck in LC 4+ years and got stuck in Security check 4 months for H1-B visa app. beijing. Unfortunately, I got stuck in name check 12 month now. So guys, please take your actions to write to Capital Hill legislators, WOM..whatever you can image...any positive,aggresitive but polite action is definitely better off than inaction, watching the pot won't make inside water boil any faster..


範大律師說,正常情況是一到一年半。 -yangsi1234- 給 yangsi1234 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/06/2007 postreply 10:31:17

for chinese, it's lucky ones to get it within 18 month -ITWorker0214- 給 ITWorker0214 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/06/2007 postreply 10:33:51

你的調查不可靠。範的應該更準確一些。他有直接數據。 -yangsi1234- 給 yangsi1234 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/06/2007 postreply 11:12:43

比起H-1等待抽簽的人,NC多等幾天實在也算不了什麽 -也想移民美國- 給 也想移民美國 發送悄悄話 也想移民美國 的博客首頁 (263 bytes) () 04/06/2007 postreply 11:18:39
