
回答: 申請H1B之問99西瓜皮2007-04-04 12:04:14

Queston 1: "but the change of status should be considered as abandonment"
change of status --> 你是說從L2變H1B?
considered as abandonment --> a*****andonment of what? You mean abandonment of L2 status?

Question 2: 明白

Question 3: "The last entry before 10-1, you should get H1 visa stamp abroad and enter US to get a new and valid H1 I94." 你是說10月1日前探親回來時要上美領館重新簽證H1B?


回複:不好意思偶比較愚鈍。你是說回國探親是可以的 -sdfsdfsdff- 給 sdfsdfsdff 發送悄悄話 (386 bytes) () 04/05/2007 postreply 06:59:36
