回複:幾個查不到的關於父母來參加畢業典禮的細節問題, 真頭痛!

來源: hheello 2004-02-27 13:18:58 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1037 bytes)
Just based my experience. I invited my parents when I got graduted,and my wife invited her parents when she got graduated also (after 9/11).
1. 需要填I-134表嗎? 要w2表嗎? 還是銀行存款證明就夠了?
bank statements were enough (3 months)
2. 學校有一封邀請信, 本人還要自己寫一封嗎? 是否需要中英文翻譯?
We wrote a letter to parents in Chinese
3. 聽說期限是進關是給的, 去領館簽證時不涉及這個問題, 又有人說必須自己在邀請信裏講明計劃去多久, 而且給你的簽證上會注明給你多久, 進關時隻是按照注明的期限給, 是這樣的嗎?
We just said
1. graduation
2. tour the State, and
did not say anything about how long they would stay
4. 我心裏想讓父母可以至少住3個月, 但朋友說畢業典禮簽證一般隻好要求十來天, 要多了怕會被拒, 是這樣的嗎?
5. 我給的銀行存款要多少錢合適呢?
it depents, we had 10K-20K
6. 問到我畢業後計劃什麽時候回國, 父母該怎麽回答, 可以說等用完OPT, 一年後回國嗎?
I do not think that VO will ask this question. You are adult. Your parents have no idea about what you are going to do.

only my 2 cents.


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