ticket for you, this is law required,and you have ten days for leaving. If you want to stay, you have 180 days within your H1b six years period to find your new H1b job. However, within the six years, you could not leaving US except a short time for visiting your home country. If you are out of status over 180 days, you will not be allowed to return US with 3 or more years.
If you want to go back to China, the boss needs to buy
• 回複:If you want to go back to China, the boss needs to buy -H1-B求助- ♂ (26 bytes) () 02/20/2007 postreply 05:31:30
• 謝謝諸位的指點,本人感萬分 -H1-B求助- ♂ (26 bytes) () 02/20/2007 postreply 06:05:24