Thanks a lot!

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Thanks a lot for all you suggestion! Is anyone who have had a successful NIW case without mentor's letter and would like to share your experience? Thanks in advance! That would be a big YES to my concern. My email is

I think I will submit it with or without my mentor's letter by the end of this month. pks gives me an encouragement - I appreciate it, by the way - what is the web address?

EB_2 and AlsoNIW also give valueable information to let me know that it is a disadvantage for my case without my mentor's letter. I appreciate too. However, I decide to take the disadvantage because otherwise I have to take another disadvantage - lossing time, who knows how would it be tighter for NIW 6 monthes later (remember the 1998 new yorker DOT case that made NIW much tougher after that). Of course, I will try hard to get the letter this month. If not, I still can concentrate on writing dissertation and find job after I submit the NIW petition - there is too many thing to do than hurdled in this bad waiting suitation and doing nothing. If I fail this NIW, I can re-apply after I start to work.



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