1.H-1 5月到期, 2 月登陸返簽有無危險?-- It should be OK. I just came back from Vancouver on Jan 7 while my H1 is going to expire on March 2. It's not necessarily for you to get H1 visa as long as you have valid I-94 and come back within 30 days.
2.開車從Detroit出境,估計星期日下午4,5點鍾到加拿大口岸,2,3小時可否辦完登陸手續?-- Yes.
拿到登陸紙後計劃在加拿大住一晚,星期一辦SIN#和銀行存款,中午返回。不隻是否夠時間?-- No problem.
3.回來入關,如果問為啥去加拿大,可否直接回答登陸?-- Yes, I told the US border officer this fact. Actually they can know it even if you don't tell him because they will check your passport carefully.
Good Luck!
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02/04/2007 postreply