回複:Help: OPT & H1B

本文內容已被 [ sdfsdfsdff ] 在 2004-02-03 07:11:03 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

Your lawyer is right, you can use 2005 quota because your can afford to wait until October 2004. But filing should be within 6 months of start date, now is too early (if filing now, your start date needs to be set no later than April.) You can file early next year with regular processing, set a start date in July or August that we guess will be out-of-2004-quota, so BCIS may approve you in July or August but specify your approved starting on 10-1-2004 (Using 2005 quota).


very helpful, thanks!!! -vanila16- 給 vanila16 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/09/2003 postreply 09:57:00

sdfsdfsdf, one more question -vanila16- 給 vanila16 發送悄悄話 (143 bytes) () 10/09/2003 postreply 11:40:00
