回複:NIW-RFE Help! xiaobaitu,radiology,mytwocents,and other exp

It seems that that you only need to prove again the third prong of NIW, that means how can you prove the national interest would be adversely affected if you were required to go through LC process, or prove that you are superior than those minimum-qualified US workers.

To respond to this RFE notice, you need to find 3-6 independent letters, collect more new evidence (including new publication, new citations, new award, any emails from other professors to request information about your work and/or try to get help from you etc), to compose a RFE response letter with all your old and new evidence plus the independent letters.

see more more inline comments

Concerning petitioner’s work with the transmembrane fusion gene and the sustained release of p53 gene and Taxol, how does the petitioner’s work compare to others in this field?

***** to prove you are superior to others

Have experts in the field recognized these findings and employed them?? Have others used his findings, such as cancer centers like Sloan-Kettering, the Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson, John Hopkins, or Dana Faber?

******* if you can get a letter from one of those mentioned cancer centers, it will help lot to your case

The web site of the National Cancer Institute indicates p53 is the subject of numerous other researchers.

****** to distinguish how your work is different from others, that means, what is the uniqueness of your work?

Concerning the evidence of petitioner’s patent, please provide proof of distribution or publication on a national scale.

****** just provide what they request if you have. look for any evidence to show that your patent has been used and benefit to a certain degree to US national interest

Petitioner cities numerous memberships in professional groups in his curriculum vitae. Please explain what are the characteristics of these groups that justify a national interest waiver.

**** answer this from angle of your superiority. You do need to get a full membeship from prestigious society such as Sigma Xi. the bylaw of the society and let them see the membership is not for an average or regular person

Petitioner cites awards he has won in China. Has he won any awards in United States? If so, what were they, what were the selection criteria, who were the judges, and how do they establish the petitioner a being worthy of a national interest waiver?

****** same stragtegy as the above.

Petitioner presents letters of support from numerous sources. However, in most cases they already knew the petitioner or came to know him when approached for assisting with this petition. Can the petitioner present any letters of support from noted cancer researchers to whom the petitioner was already well- known, simply on the basis of his work?

**** get more independent letters from those who cited your work. Better to get one or two letters from those mentioned cancer centers

Just for reference

Good luck



Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions and time!!! -NIW66- 給 NIW66 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2006 postreply 21:15:32
