I guess I am lucky because the same judge in a previous WOM case sternly rebuked US attorney's request of 60-day extension. She is obviously sympathetic to us. The deadline she set for US attorney to respond to my complaint is only 4 weeks after filing! She also ordered US marshall to deliver the summons for me. She even agreed to waive my fee but, unfortunately for me, I paid it already. So this time US attorney only asked two 14-day extention and always said that they are actively working to resolve my case, which I think they did.
Actually the judge did not order us to settle but ask US attorne
我不大相信法官在案子開始審理之前就會做出判決要US attorney
(189 bytes)
12/15/2006 postreply
而且如果你的案子真的是因為name check而停滯的話,US attorney
(74 bytes)
12/15/2006 postreply