回複:如果想遞NIW 和EB1b. 大家覺得應該先遞什麽呀? (討論)

來源: WorthIt 2006-12-07 21:48:22 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1233 bytes)
如果想遞NIW 和EB1b. 大家覺得應該先遞什麽呀?

*****I think it doesn't matter. They should be evaluated separately

好象大家先遞NIW, 然後遞EB1(a or b)的情況多一些 (這個可以理解, 畢竟多一些時間可以多積累一些credentials. 況且邏輯上也說得通, 對移民官來說也會覺得申請人對自己的case越來越自信)

******** I do not think it matters. Whichever is sub-mi-tted first is fine. But to save time and energy, I would like to prepare NIW first, then use same set of NIW materials to prepare for Eb1(a or b) application. If you have NIW petition letter already, it will be easier to prepare your Eb1 application by changing the format to meet the requirments for EB1 application.

如果先遞交EB1b,在等待EB1b批準時時遞交NIW(遞交的原因是考慮到在等待EB1b過程中有可能換雇主,或者雇主破產), 是不是會有負麵的影響呢. 如果有, 是哪些呢?

***** I can not imagine any negative effects since they will be evaluated separately. If you change your employer or your employer is broke, then your EB1-b application might be terminated if your employer inform USCIS. But to NIW, you will be fine if you change employer as long as you are both petitioner and beneficiary.

Just for your reference



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