回複:明年初想登陸加拿大,懇請前輩們幫解答幾個疑問? 先謝了!


1>:坐飛機I-94會要求出示並被收走嗎? 飛機上要填custom form 嗎?
Tell the airline agent that you will be coming back within 30 days. Usually they will not collect your I-94. If you changed your status from something else to H1/H4 and only have a green I-94 card (the lower portion of your approval notice), when you return to the States, you will be required to fill out a new white I-94 card at the Immigration and Customs.
When you enter Canada, you will be required to fill out a Canadian customs form, and likewise when you return to the States.

2>: 所帶的銀行證明,這家銀行必須有分行在加拿大嗎? (若不是.加方會不會認為你根本就拿不到錢從加拿大,怎麽去生活?)
No. A bank statement from any U.S. back will do.

3>: 打算登陸後就回美.是不是除了goods of follow list之外,還要有goods list for this time,才好讓加方相信你是真的要住在加拿大.才會給maple card.
They don’t care.

You will be traveling with your passports anyway, so this will not affect you.

4>:我的理解對嗎?: maple card 是寄到朋友家,在這之後,須要讓他們再寄到美國.下次我們再進入加拿大,就用maple card 就行了.

