有關寄給DOS的申請材料的問題 - J1豁免,很急,多謝!·

申請J1豁免,最近需要申請CASE NUMBER,在DS3035表的第一頁看到了一個寄送材料的checklist,如下:

1. Application fee of $215 PER J-1 APPLICANT.
2. Any additional pages needed to full respond to the questions in this form;
3. A statement demonstrating why the exchange visitor is eligible to receive a waiver
4. Copies of all DS-2019
5. Copy of the data page of the exchange visitor's current passport containing name and birth date.
6. Two self-addressed, stamped envelopes.

(1). 但聽朋友說最好把正式聘書(和寄往中國大使館的那個聘書一樣),和老板的支持信也一起寄給DOS?不知道大家是怎麽做的?

(2). 另外,還有一個問題,寄給DOS的waiver 的statement of reason,應該怎麽寫?我想寫"No objective letter from home government",就是說我有"本國政府提供的不持有異議信". 就寫這一句話行嗎? 寫多了(和寫給中國大使館的申請書的理由一樣), 比如說自己來美國多久了, 公費自費來的.寫多了有用嗎?

