回複:Chanllengin question

The cap also does not apply to H-1B extensions of status with the same company, a petition for a second H-1B, transfers from one H-1B employer to another H-1B employer. The cap does apply, however, to an H-1B transfer applicant who was previously working in a quota exempt H-1B position (e.g. for a government research organization) and now wishes to transfer to a for-profit cap-subject organization.

So, if you were non-profit H1b, and still wants to be the same H1b, you will be ok. If not, just wait.


回複:回複:Chanllengin question -sommerville- 給 sommerville 發送悄悄話 (18 bytes) () 11/17/2006 postreply 04:36:34
