SOS Help Wanted:有信得過的EB11/NIW 移民律師推薦嗎?

I would appreciate it very much if someone can offer some advice. 有哪位了解以下幾位律師? 恭侯高見!

(1) 加州的戚博雄 (Law Offices of Steve Qi & Associates), 蔡彤 (Law Offices
of Teresa Cai),孫虹(Alice Sun, Law Office of Sun), 海渺 (Miao Hai ,精
誠律師事務所,Law offices of Michael Brooks & Associates),
(2) Chicago的王誌東 (Wang, Leonard & Condon)
(3) Detroit 的 Claudia Y. Tsou (YunXia Tsou, Rochester, MI)
(4) 德州的賴清陽 (賴清陽中美韓律師事務所, Z. Zac Liu, Law Offices of Lai
& Associates)


