Originally Posted by moody22
Alright friends, I won the fight against the bastards.
After seven days from filing and serving the defendants, I couldn’t believed it when the honorable Judge ordered a hearing.
The hearing was today at 11.20 am. My attorney office called me at 10.30 am, and connected me to my attorney who was driving in his way to the court.
The attorney told me congratulation. I’m like what, what happened?
He said that the AUSA just called him, saying that he has in his hands two faxes from the CIS, one for the interview appointment within three weeks, and the second one for a new fingerprint appointment, since the one I did has been already expired ”was taken on August-04”.
My attorney said: they better finish this case very quick, it seems like the judge is very angry, and that’s why he ordered a hearing order.
The AUSA said they searched their record, and found out that the plaintiff is right. His background security checks were completed on august, 04. Their record shows his still pending; obviously they didn’t update their crap. CIS are inefficient at all and they need a new system in place right away.
In front of the Honorable judge, the AUSA said: It’s already been done, Mr. Judge. we have everything ready, and he will be sworn in January, if not sooner.
My attorney want to keep the case open until I get my Oath, but the Judge said there is no reason for that. Your client should be happy since we finished his case quickly. If anything went wrong, we can reopen the case.
Now friends, you see, we are right, and they are jus bastards. They are just a bunch of lazy asses, setting on our applications for years for no reasons. They rely on getting us scared to hell, thinking that we are criminals and terrorists.
But we have to show them hell in all courts, nationwide, to make them aware that we will never give up our rights to be proud Americans.
Good luck to everybody still fighting the bastards.
Hopefully I will pass the English test, pray for me
win a case
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11/10/2006 postreply