1)h1b transfer 是不是隻要拿到recipt就可以在新的公司開始工作了。
--no, you need approve notice
--5-10 work days, it will be sent to you, not include mail time
3) 是不是一拿到recipt, 我就不能合法繼續在原公司工作了,還是等拿到h1b transfer 的approve
--No, you can work until the transfer was approved
4)我不知道如何控製何時向原公司提出離開,一般應該提前兩周,但我又不知道什麽時候能的到h1b transfer 的approve.....
--you can wait for H1B transfer approve, when you got approve notice, you hand in the document. But you should notice your boss you might leave when you apply the transfer, not formally inform him.