回複:Invite my parents

1. I'm a H-1B with I-485 pending. Should my parents mention my I-485 pending during the visa appointment?

Don't mention it if the VO doesn't ask.

2. What kind of material do I need to prepare for my parents applying the B-2 visa?

Invitation letter, copy of passport, I-94, job offer letter, pay check, bank statement for 6 months, and I-134

3. One friend said that I need to mail my ORIGINAL H-1B approval notice back to my parents, since they need it for their visa appointment. Is it correct?

No. Copy is ok.


Thank you very much! -14725836- 給 14725836 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/03/2006 postreply 11:05:04
