
來源: good007 2003-10-08 11:20:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (630 bytes)
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回答: When apply under NIW or outstagood0072003-10-08 08:19:00
My employer is sponsoring my application under outstanding researcher. I also want to apply by myself under NIW with a hope that NIW can be approved first so that it is ok if I want to switch job. I asked only one set of recommendation letters since I do not feel comfortable to ask previous bosses, colleagues, and friends to write two seperate supporting letters. So, I also asked them to address that my immigration is national interest besides verify my outstanding ability and skils in research. Do you mean I should ask two sets of supporting letters? Or, this kind of letters might undermine my application?




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