回複:H1 TRANSFER 急問長問短*******

1) H1 transfer is not a real tranfer your H1 from the current employer to a new employer. It is in fact a new petition. When a new petition is approved, CIS won't automatically revoke the old one.
2) It is CIS's long time policy, back to lagacy INS, that when multiple H-1 petitions are valid, beneficiary is able to switch job from one to another without notifying CIS. I have not heard that such a policy is changed.
3) DOL regulation reqests H1 peitioner pay full wage to H1-B beneficiary. So far, it seems that CIS does not voluntarily enforce the rule. So it will up to your employer. If they allows you to come back after job switching without filing another H1B transfer, you will most likely be fine with CIS.


回複:回複:H1 TRANSFER 急問長問短******* -清清99- 給 清清99 發送悄悄話 (76 bytes) () 10/24/2006 postreply 13:56:16

回複:回複:回複:H1 TRANSFER 急問長問短******* -mytwocents- 給 mytwocents 發送悄悄話 (99 bytes) () 10/24/2006 postreply 14:23:42

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