
steal an idea for you.

select 6-8 references based on the following order:

1) from government agency first
2) independent next
3) from different geographical parts of world
4) from diffeent geographical parts of USA
5) bigman over layman
6) no more than two letters from same institute or city
7) In terms of Chinese guy, one enough from China. But no more than 50% of all persons of reference are Chinese, be as independent as possible.

Now turn to your questions;

(1) PhD advisor和現在工作的頂頭上司一定要選嗎?

**** better to use 現在工作的頂頭上司if you can

(2) 推薦人中,(在美國的)中國人多了是不是不好?

**** difficult to say how many is good or bad. But do not forget he/she must be an independent one

(3) 是不是一定要從美國國外找幾個?幾個合適呢?現在在中國國內的算數嗎?

******* if you can, find 2 or three from abroad. One from China is enough

(4) 找military lab裏的人好不好?

*******why not, I do not see any adverse effect.

Just for general reference!! Do not take it for granted. You need to decide based on your particular case or particular situation.


不好意思, 搶答, 倒扣一分!! -WorthIt- 給 WorthIt 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/21/2006 postreply 19:35:23

Thank you, worthit -iguessguess- 給 iguessguess 發送悄悄話 (373 bytes) () 10/21/2006 postreply 20:49:24
