

"If you absolutely cannot make it to a scheduled
interview that we requested, call customer service before the interview date as far in advance as possible. However,please understand that rescheduling can delay processing. We will only reschedule if emergency reasons outside your control prevent you from keeping your appointment. Certain kinds of interviews cannot be rescheduled. When you call customer service, you will need to explain the reason that makes it impossible for you to keep your appointment. The office where your interview was scheduled will make the decision about whether to grant your request to change your appointment, and will notify you directly."

好象我必須要有個比較緊急的理由才行,不然的話移民官可能會拒絕我的延期申請吧?我這裏離local office 倒是挺近的,有人說當麵跟移民官談比較好。不過如果跟打電話沒有太大區別的話,還是打電話算了。不用預約,也不用找趴車位,拿起電話來就可以了。聽起來老兄好象也有過跟在下一樣的悲慘經曆,在此表示遺憾,並祝以後的時間裏一切順利!

