
來源: gotomexico 2004-02-01 21:50:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (540 bytes)
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回答: 還能去墨西哥做第三國簽證嗎?gotomexico2004-02-01 21:19:00
There seems to be a differeing of opinion on this matter.

The first possiblility is that you must have a pre-approved H1, J1, or any other visas by U.S. immigrations. Then to validate your preapproved visa, you must go to either China or a third country, such as Mexico or Canada.

The other possiblility seems to be that you need only the documents necessary to apply for a visa (of any sorts). You then go to a third contry and visit the consulate there to get a pending approval of your visa in the process of application



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