請買明天(9/6)的 Washington Post

Help Assert America's Core Value: Equal Opportunity.

The final version of your ad will be in Washington Post
on 9/06/06 (Wed). It is the clarion call for us to stand up
and win our equal opportunity in workplaces.

Please do your part in this historic struggle. Please

(1) Go buy a copy of Washington Post, one of the
nation's most prestigious newspapers and find the
full page, color ad in the back page of the Business Section!

(2) Show it to you family members first. Afterwards,
show it to people whom you think you can reach and
ask them to work with us to assert America's Core
Value: Equal Opportunity. Show it to your boss!

(3) Volunteer your time and money (tax deductible)
to 80-20 Educational Foundation. Enjoy the satisfaction
that comes with giving to others.

The ad below is just the beginning. See areas listed
under the ad to see if you can help.

The ad above is just a door-opener to win equal
opportunity for us. Do you have a special connection
to open one of the following doors?

1. editorial boards of major mainstream media,

2. TV news programs such as 60 Minutes of CBS, 20/20
of ABC & Dateline NBC in our attempt to induce them
to publicize our plight,

3. major foundations in our application for big grants to
make a long and sustained effort to win equal opportunity
for Asian Americans,

4. Senate and House Committees to induce public hearings*,

5. Nat'l Republican Party (RNC) and DNC to induce action
PRIOR to the 2006 election*,

6. Large law firms to take our case to the courts for the
enforcement of Executive Order 11246, which will be very
costly in time and money and will be our last resort.

Get involved. Most of our institutions think AsAms are
smart, but gutless and lacking a public conscience. Prove them
wrong! What is more important is to prove to yourself that you
have the character and guts to do the right things. It is YOUR
ad, YOUR rights and YOUR fight.

Respectfully yours,

S. B. Woo
President, 80-20 Educational Foundation

For a list of individuals and organizations each giving $1,000
or more, please see the lower right corner of the ad. They are part of
our history. Others gave less. However we are equally proud
of them. Doing YOUR share is what counts:

Erica Liu, Astrid Szeto, Joseph H. Tsao, Larry Shen (his
donation will be matched by his employer Amylin
Pharmaceuticals, San Diego), Lawrence Tom, Victor C. Li,
Chungsoo Lee, Kong-Pei Chen, Amy Fujimura, Helena &
Roger Hou, Wei Huang, Sally Huang-Nissen, Wing Lam,
Ramon Lim, Chi-Man Lo, Paul & Amy Sung, William H.
Wong, Diyang Wu, Jasper Wu, Edward Lau, Ben Bimin
Chen, Shelby Chien, Tjendrawani Ong-Dahl, Tim Wong
& Irene Tsang, Lily Yap, Allen Y.K. Wong, Hok To Yeung,
Daming Zhu, Thomas Lee, Wing Ho, Lin Ji, Yakko Chang,
Larry Zhang, Linda & Chris Choi, James Lee, Laini Tsang,
Grace Wu, Daniel Cheung
