H1 and NIW 請教各位大俠

來源: newNIW 2004-01-27 09:55:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (541 bytes)
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I am now doing Postdoc at a university. Now on OPT valid until Sepetember.

I would like to change my postdoc supervisor (group) within the same department at this university.

My questionis: if I apply H1b and NIW at this time, but change the advisor before they are approved, will I have to re-apply both? That is, are H1b and/or NIW dependent upon the supervisor?

After writing the posts here, I have a vague idea that NIW may not be affected, but H1b will, however. Am I right?

Thanks a lot. Happy Monkey Year.



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