Newnew10025 Attention, please

來源: yiw5 2004-01-27 02:00:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1079 bytes)
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Hello Newnew10025,

I am very happy to see your post on the website about my question.
But I still not sure and get confused about my situation.

Let me give you a more clear description about my situation:

Sept last year, I re-entried US with my advance parole. When I past the immigation port, I got a new I-94 stamped with an ADJUSTMENT STATUS APPLICANT. My passport also was stamped with an AJUSTMENT STATUS APPLICANT.Right now my visa (H1)already expired and my advance parole also expired. I have submitted a renew application of advance parole last year, but still not get the renewed one. Now I am working by EAD.

I do not think much people meet the same situation like me.

I just wander, If I visit canada and when re-entry US, if I just show the immigration official my passport, expired advance parole, expired visa stamp(H1), and valid I-94 until sept of 2004, can I pass the inspection ?

Can you shore your situation and experience?

Is your situation like me or not?

Thanks very much for you answer.



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