回複:Xiaobaitu, Mytwocents, Worthit 諸位大蝦: 新手想申請綠卡Eb1

來源: WorthIt 2006-08-29 08:25:58 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1074 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ WorthIt ] 在 2006-08-31 07:11:20 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.
(1) 但對EB1a沒有把握,請問: 如果一起申請485, 但是140 如果被拒, 485 的申請費會退麽? 否則, 連老婆孩子一起, 申請費也要上千呢? (不好意思, 想省點錢:). 或者, 能否首先申請我的140和485, 等到我的140批下來了, 再遞老婆孩子的485?

***** 1)no refund of 485 fee. 2)Yes, you can. If you do not need to take advantage of the benefits from your 485 application, then, you can just 140 first

(2)還一個問題, 一個雜誌報道過我們組裏的工作, 但是其中沒有我的名字, 隻有老板的名字, 有用麽? 我還是需要其他的輔助材料證明它是我的工作?

******** I think it is useful. you need additional evidence, such as your boss's attestment letter and your first authorship of ralated work (such as publications or manu if not published)

(3)隻得過一些學校的獎學金, 估計沒用吧?
*** it is better than nothing. It dependes on how to use it

(4)怎麽盡快加入Sigma Xi membership, 好像需要有人提名才行, 是麽?

**** no expidition way. you need to aplly ASAP if you decide to join. yes, you are must be nominated by an active full member. It is a good membership you can have.


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