
來源: nanjingirl 2004-01-26 08:40:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (764 bytes)
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回答: 你應該現在就辦綠卡sister也是護士2004-01-23 21:10:00
It is not promising at all to study Nursing now. It is too late. Just heard that some States begin to lay off nurses. According to official statistics, there are 2 million in total RN positions in USA while 2.2 Million people have RN license. Fortunately, some 0.3 million American people dislike this profession. So, there is about 0.1 million shortage. However, this number is really small. Hundreds of community colleges and univerties are offering Nursing program. In another two years, you will face the nurse job-seeking Hardtime. Unlike IT or accounting jobs, Chinese people are absolutely inferior to western peopl by working as Nurses. Actually, Chinese nurses are not welcome at all.

Please think about it. Please don't waste our money & time.



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