回複:I140 Eb1a申請過程的體會和因注意的問題

Congratulations! Great work. Your thoughts are very helpful. Thanks.

I just want to make a comment on your RFE. You have a very strong case here. It is easy to see that you satisfy at least two of ten criteria: publication and significant contribution. The adjudicator tried to find one or more criteria you can satisfy through RFE either 1). award (1.獲獎項目要求解釋該項目的意義、評選的標準、主辦方對該獎勵項目和獲獎人的表達的尊敬; 2. Judge others work (2.要求解釋作為審閱其他同行論文和研究項目的審閱人時,雜誌等對審閱人的選擇標準。3. Significant contribution (3.提出申請者研究應該由他人對其進行評價,不僅僅是推薦信描述,應該在其他媒體上有對你研究的成果的評價。4. membership 4)作為協會成員應該提供作為成員因具備的資格要求的證據。(5)要求提供協會或組織對申請者表達的尊敬的證據。or Others evidence 6)提供其他一切可以證明申請者傑出能力的證據。

"新補充了一2006年的一篇第一作者論文和一篇新的文獻綜述、Who's Who in Medical Science的邀請信、2006年新的引文、一篇描述我的研究是One of the first studies的其他學者撰寫的綜述。"

I want to clarify a little bit here. New materials ted after your initial submission DO NOT help much. USCIS will not consider new evidences, for examples, new papers, new memberships, new awards. Here new citations and review comments help, as they are based on your previous work.

Hope my comments help others prepare their materials. Congrats again.
