

附上我收到的status check reply. 這上麵說的是45-day信的事。我猜這是個標準template?我現在實在不敢再信律師了。我的HR還挺合作的,不知DOL看重employer一些還是看重律師一些?

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the above mentioned case P-04322XXXXX has been withdrawn.

In order that we may consider the reinstatement for the above mentioned case, please provide evidence that you responded to the 45 day Center Receipt Notice Letter (CRNL) by the stated deadline. Also, if there has been a change in the attorney of record, or a change of address of attorney or employer, which may have caused you not to receive the 45 day CRNL from our office. Please provide such documentation by mail or fax, Attn: Special Case Department.

If you need additional information, please visit the following Internet website:



DFLC Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
