see some one's name check 轉貼

來源: 1234512345 2006-08-07 09:26:15 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4559 bytes)
Originally Posted by comcf
I have a number of clients with a similar problem; they are literally waiting years for the namecheck to go through. We were informed that the FBI has delegated 150 employees to process the 9 million annual namecheck requests. One of my clients has lost SSI because her application process has taken her beyond the seven year period. She was told expressly that they only react to legal action.

I filed several suits against the USCIS and the FBI as responsible entities. The first one was resolved within two months with the person already sworn in as a citizen. Others are pending. In general, it has been my experience that a lawsuit is a certainly useful to expedite the matter.

Hi comcf,

Since you are a lawyer, what do you think about my case:

Originally Posted by moody22
Today I received a letter from MR.Glen Scott, assistant section chief-national name check program/ records management division.

The letter is a response for the letter I sent to Mrs. Bush last May, concerning the delay in my N-400 DUE TO NAME CHECK delay.

It says: a review of the FBI’s name check program database revealed that your request was received from the USCIS on 7/ 26/ 04”ONLY 20 DAYS AFTER I APPLIED”, and it was processed and finalized 7/27/04”next day they received the request from CIS”, The results were forwarded to the UDCIS headquarters, W.DC.

Eventually these pastards at the CIS are laying to me for more than two years now.

They cancelled 2 interviews for me, have me waiting and suffer from extreme hardship, since each time I went to them, they simply said: your security background check is pending, and we can’t proceed in your application.

What your guys opinion regarding theses Sob’s, and what should my next step looks like.
Regards, Moody

Alright guys, I really need everybody helps now:

I went today to the Citizenship office, and I filled an information inquiry about my case.
The following conversation took place between me and the INFO. Officer:
Me: I came to check if there are new updates regarding my 2 years pending N-400 application.
She opened her computer, typed my A#, and answered back, No, it’s still pending background security check.
Me: Well, I have new updates, I wrote to Mrs. Bush couple months ago, and asked for her personal help in expediting my name check through the FBI. And her office responded back to me with promising to help.
She: Ok!!!!
Me: last Friday I received a letter” and show it to her” from the FBI, saying that my name check was requested on 7/26/04, and was processed and finalized and forwarded back to the USCIS Headquarter in D.C on 7/27/04. I also have 2 FOIPA from the FBI, with NO Record each.
“I noticed that she have several copies from the USCIS website Fact sheet, as a ready service for the applicants if they asked about the delay”, so I pulled on of them and told her: if these are the checks required as this note said, so:
1.FBI Name check was finalized on 7/27/04
2.FBI Finger print was done on 8/19/04 and the result was sent to the CIS at the same day.
3.IBIS check was performed, because my I-751 application was approved last September, and this check is required for this application approval.
She looked to her computer again, and played with it for 3 minutes, and then she said, I will talk to the supervisor.
After 10 minutes, she came back and said: we do other checks beside the FBI checks, and your application is pending because we do some investigation on you, and some other checks.
Me: can you please explain more to me. May be I have some documents or information that I can help you guys in your checks.
She: no, we don’t share any info. With the applicants.
And she printed a response for me saying, application is pending final decision. And underneath: pending security background clearance.

Should i go ahead and file WOM, rialize that they cancelled my interview twice, so the 120 days rule dosn't apply to my case. I heared the CIS will finish all the blockage by the end of this septmber.

And if i field the WOM, could they deny my application, since they will still have the jursdiction over it?? I'm going to my laweyr next wednesday to file the WOM, i just need other openions.



Last edited by moody22 : 2nd August 2006 at 08:01 PM.


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