
7:30am - Arrive a half hour early after an 90 minute commute due to unpredicable rush hour traffic in Dallas...Sorry, no OT here...can't clock in until 8.
Turn on computer, get cases out to process, check e-mails (ok, some personal...so sue me)
8:00am - Begin first case...separate file into some semblance of order due to each SWA/Region having their own "way" of doing things.
8:30am - Set case aside due to necessity of calling attorney in California who won't be in the office for another 3 hours to clarify vague Recruitment Summary put together by employer.
8:40am - Venture into the file cabinets with armload of "OUT" cards looking for a half dozen files scattered across an acre-sized office due to the incongruity between the data entry case number assignment and the FIFO order of processing beginning at the analysis stage.
9:00am - Pit stop due to 44 oz Dr. Pepper consumed en route to work.
9:05am - Begin processing next case of the 3 locatable from the previous safari (see 8:40).
10:00-10:15 Smoke break after approving last 3 cases for certification and filing to await Final Review by CO.
10:15am - Start reviewing next case.
10:25am - Wait in line to talk to CO about whether an ommission in case file is grounds for issuance of a NOF or can be overlooked as "harmless error".
10:45am - Process 4 more cases, approving 1, recommending 2 for NOF, sending 4th to TR queue due to data entry error based upon erroneous RIR designation overlooked by Data Entry analyst working with 2 weeks experience.
11:30am - Hand next case to Data Entry supervisor to close case due to case being bumped into RIR queue to avoid closure due to lack response to 45-day letter. Unfortunately, letter was "produced" during initial snafu in printing letters causing no letter to be mailed out. Case goes back to data entry to produce "new" 45-day letter.
12:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm - New venture into case file cabinets (see 8:40am)
1:15pm - Approve 2 case for certifcation.
1:45pm - Receive return phone call from attorney (see 8:30am) to discuss additional need of information to continue processing of case to avoid a NOF.
2:00pm - Pit stop.(Hey, we're human)
2:05pm - Wade through case file thicker than the Los Angeles Metro Yellow Pages only to find that employer's educational and experience requirements on 750A are not supported by Beneficiary's qualifications on 750B. NOF case.
2:45pm - Approve 3 more cases for certification.
3:30pm - Smoke break (Now up to 2 packs/day)
3:45pm - Meeting with supervisor to discuss validity of employer's use of obscure industry statistics to justify wage offering at 67% of prevailing wage.
4:05pm - Wade back into case file cabinets (see 8:40am and 1:00pm).
4:20pm - Leave voice mail with attorney in New York to call back tomorrow re: vague Recruitment Summary (a la 8:30am).
4:25pm - Generate and e-mail production reports (different ones, mind you) for Team Leader, Manager and Headquarters.
4:35pm - Running on burst of energy from half-melted candy bar (see break at 3:30) Damn climate-controlled sweatbox highrise.
4:55pm - After approving 2 more cases, leave for day and re-enter Hades aka rush hour.
Next Day....see 7:30am above.


勞工卡積壓處理中心的一些數字(不包括那些隻遞交到州裏勞工部的勞工 -TX_Kitty- 給 TX_Kitty 發送悄悄話 TX_Kitty 的博客首頁 (666 bytes) () 08/02/2006 postreply 19:18:51

你們真覺得BEC不影響排期嗎? -TX_Kitty- 給 TX_Kitty 發送悄悄話 TX_Kitty 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/02/2006 postreply 19:19:24

回複:勞工卡積壓處理中心的一些數字(不包括那些隻遞交到州裏勞工部 -try-online- 給 try-online 發送悄悄話 (22 bytes) () 08/02/2006 postreply 21:20:48

包含EB3 -TX_Kitty- 給 TX_Kitty 發送悄悄話 TX_Kitty 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2006 postreply 17:39:33

牛,連這個都找得到! -turion- 給 turion 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2006 postreply 06:46:46

寫這帖子的人那時在Dallas BEC 上班。 -TX_Kitty- 給 TX_Kitty 發送悄悄話 TX_Kitty 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2006 postreply 17:39:04
