
來源: 假博士 2004-01-16 06:27:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1022 bytes)
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1. In same envelope.
2. Stack your documents person and person with "QU-BIE-ZHEN", but if one document has morethan one pages and you printed seperately, stack them together. Put I-140 receipt copy on the top. (only one copy for both of you)
3. Yes, you can only apply EAD yourdelf.
4. All white papers are OK.
5. Not important.

By the way, add a sheet of contents, list all documents you submitted person and person, order your documets in the same order of contents. Put content sheet on the toppest (only single sheet for both of you is OK).
For content order:
1. Copy of Form I-xxx (I-140 receipt) with payment.
2. This content (Content sheet itself.)
(Docs for main applicant)
3. doc1 of xxx (name).
4. doc2 of xxx.
(docs for spouse)
10. doc1 of yyy.
11. doc2 of yyy
list common docs here.
for example:
21. Letter of HR of main applicant.
22. I-864 signed by main applicant (for H4-spouse/child)
23. Marriage license.
And so on.



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