3. So, EB2 plus EB3 visa number is 9800-4500 = 5300
4. Used EB2 plus EB3 is 5600 - 1700 = 3900
If so, left visa number for EB2/3 is 5300 - 3900 = 1400.
The EB2/3 will keep moving in the rest of the year. Cheers!
3. So, EB2 plus EB3 visa number is 9800-4500 = 5300
4. Used EB2 plus EB3 is 5600 - 1700 = 3900
If so, left visa number for EB2/3 is 5300 - 3900 = 1400.
The EB2/3 will keep moving in the rest of the year. Cheers!
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