Immigration Process for RNs Residing Abroad

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Immigration Process for RNs Residing Abroad
(Consular Processing for Unionized Hospitals)

1st Step
Review intake,meet with RN,determine eligibility;
􀂾 If eligible, give RN VisaScreen application;
Collect required documents,and give online user ID/password;
􀂾 E-mail HR requesting employment verification and CFO letters.
2nd Step
Request copy of new union contract, if necessary;
􀂾 When new contract is received,obtain new prevailing wage from State
Workforce Agency(SWA).

3rd Step
􀂾 Send ETA 9089 to RN by e-mail with instructions;
􀂾 Request any required documents that are still missing;
􀂾 Receive signed ETA-9089 from RN.

4th Step
􀂾 Send I-140 &ETA-9089 packet to HR;
􀂾 HR gives Notice of Filing and a copy of the completed ETA-
9089 to union;
􀂾 HR sends I-140 & ETA-9089 packets back to Atty with a copy
of the Notice ofFiling.

5th Step
Once packets are received from RN and HR, prepare for filing
with USCIS;
􀂾 Log case to be filed 30 days after the Notice of Filing was
given to union;
􀂾 Final AttorneyReview;
􀂾 File Case;
6th Step
Receive Receipt Notices from USCIS (approximately 2-3
Upon filing the I-140, send a draft of Form DS-230 part 1 to the RN either by
e-mail or by mail;
􀂾 Upon receiving the draft form DS-230 part 1 mail original for RN’s signature;
􀂾 I-140 (visa petition signed by sponsoring hospital) takes
approximately 7 months to be approved.

7th Step
Approximately one month later, the National Visa Center (NVC) requests an
Immigrant Visa Fee Bill for the RN and dependents (if any);
􀂾 Mail Immigrant Visa Fee Bill payment to NVC;
􀂾 Approximately one month later NVC requests Form DS 230 part I for RN
and dependents (if any);
􀂾 Mail DS 230 part I to NVC.

8th Step
Approximately one month later, NVC requests final documents (e.g.,
original birth certificates and marriage certificate, copy of
biographic page of passports, etc.);
􀂾 Mail original documents to NVC.

9th Step
3-5 months later,NVC notifies us that the case has been transferred to
the U.S. Embassy in RN’s home country for a final interview;
􀂾 2 months later, the Embassy sends an appointment letter
to RN;
􀂾 Interview at Embassy. RN must have VisaScreen certificate;


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