回複:回複:To Wo Jian

來源: QiDao 2004-01-13 06:45:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (646 bytes)
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回答: out of status, need help badlysalute2004-01-12 21:47:00
I got so confused by this situation. Does this mean that I HAVE TO work during my OPT? I was told by the ISS from my school that I will still be in legal status even I can't find a job during my OPT.
My situation is that I am working using my OPT, but I haven't told ISS or INS about my employment, can they find out on their own or do I have to let them know?
One more question, what about my LG? He got a job, and he is applying for H-1, but he hasn't told ISS or INS about his employment either, is this going to be a problem?
Thank you so much if you could please explain the whole situation for me!! I am already so worried.



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