怎麽樣才能有辦綠卡需要的TAX RETURN阿?

我是說比如說我需要三年的TAX RETURN,那我就填FORM 4506就夠了馬?我一直是H1工作,我太太是H4沒有工作但是我們是一起FILE 1040表的,那我也需要幫她ORDER一份TAX RETURN還是我們共同用以份就夠了。ORDER TAX RETURN需要交錢馬,我怎麽看好像說要交錢阿,

If you need an exact copy of a previously filed and processed return and all attachments (including Form W-2 (PDF)), you must complete Form 4506 (PDF), Request for Copy of Tax Return and mail it to the IRS address in the instructions along with a $39 fee for each tax year requested. Copies are generally available for returns filed in the current and past 6 years.



你自己保存的copy就可以了。 -NRG2- 給 NRG2 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/06/2006 postreply 15:53:29
