回複:回複:out of status

來源: salute 2004-01-12 23:29:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (598 bytes)
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回答: out of status, need help badlysalute2004-01-12 21:47:00
Thank you very much for your helpful and timely reply.

I have one more question.

My wife's EDA card stated that the expiration date is May 13, 2003. In such case, has she been out-of status for over a year?

If the answer is YES, does she have to leave the States? To be honest, we dont give shit to U.S., but we do want to have a baby before leaving. My wife now is almost three months in Pregnant and will deliver the bay in August.

If my wife decide to stay here, is it possible she will be forced to leave this country?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,



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