回複:麻煩知道加拿大landing的朋友再幫一次忙.還有幾個landing 疑問

來源: Hollyhog 2006-07-06 07:48:44 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (704 bytes)
1. 什麽是imm5292 表?在哪找?

2. good to follow list 是有現成的表填還是自己做的?
"good to follow list" is in custom(house), the officer will fill out.
so you should prepare a list of your goods by yourself first, including the name, ID #, price, model, title(car), everthing you'll bring to CAnada

3. 還要帶照片嗎?幾張?什麽規格?
NO PHOTO needed

4. 我是b1-b2-f1-h1b, 如在加拿大等maple card 超過30天,再簽回美國容易嗎?還是像很多人一樣landing後馬上回來比較好?

you must( I mean MUST) have a canadian address(friend or relative), I suggest you not wait the card there, no one Guareentee that you can get it in 30 days. 還是像很多人一樣landing後馬上回來比較好.



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