Form I-485 Part 3, Question 2: about public assistance...

來源: bulldog 2006-06-26 12:49:29 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1639 bytes)
Form I-485 Part 3, Question 2: Have you received public assistance in the U.S. from any source, including the U.S. government or any state, country, city, or municipality (other than emergency medical treatment), or are you likely to receive public assistance in the future? (If your answer is "yes", explain on a separate piece of paper.)

以 下 問 題 :

(1) 我 老 婆 生 女 兒 (2001)和 兒 子 (2004), 懷 孕 期 間 申 請 了 WIC, 生 孩 子 是 MEDICAID 和 LOW INCOME ASSISTANCE, 在 我 畢 業 工 作 前 , 孩 子 一 直 是 用 WIC和 MEDICAID。 和 女 兒 有 關 的 申 請 是 用 我 的 名 義 (那 是 老 婆 還 沒 社 會 安 全 號 ), 和 兒 子 有 關 的 申 請 是 用 老 婆 的 SSN。 這 影 響 I-485批 準 嗎 ? I-585可 能 能 在 8月 份 遞 交 。 還 有 我 和 老 婆 的 I-485要 分 別 回 答 ”YES“和 給 出 說 明 嗎 ? 還 是 隻 回 答 一 個 I-485(我 的 和 老 婆 的 )?

(2) 我 不 打 算 找 律 師 。 我 自 己 寫 我 一 個 說 明 。 請 各 位 給 指 正 。 謝 謝 。

Yes, I received Low Income Assistance to cover my prenatal care and Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) from XXX State when I was pregnant and gave birth to my two children (born in 2001 and 2004 respectively) in XXX State( Name: XXX XX, SSN: XXX-XX-XXXX). My two children had Medicaid before my hu*****and graudated and was employed.
At that time, my hu*****and, XXX XX, was a graduate student. His teaching assistantship was not enough to cover my health insurance premium.
Now, my hu*****and is an assistant professor with University of XXX which provides full benefits. I am not likely to receive public assistance in the future.


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