回複:回複:Dan712, 我見, 假博士 請提寶貴意見

回答: Dan712, 我見, 假博士 請提寶貴意見MM_Star2004-01-09 06:31:00

Mnay thanks both of you! If I submit another 485, do I need to submit other documents togather, such as the letter from my employer..?


They should be same as 1st one -假博士zghpwd0- 給 假博士zghpwd0 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2004 postreply 09:16:00

回複: -MM_Star- 給 MM_Star 發送悄悄話 (98 bytes) () 01/09/2004 postreply 10:15:00
