thanks a lot

來源: 倒黴壇 2004-01-05 20:18:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (752 bytes)
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回答: 回複:let your 老公 to deal it.倒黴壇2004-01-04 21:29:00
Thanks a lot.
we will call the police. and immigration office.( I don't where, now)
today, , his son came (who also 偷渡 USA before two years ago)and I told him about our feeling and "we hope your fathe move out !"
he visites his father every day, and I also ask him to do something for his father( we share toilet, kitchen room).but no clear the toilet once, no put the garbeg out once, never clear the snow near the front door, and no new year clear.
i can not belive he said me that we should leave the house which we live 4 years. WE should leave, not his father.  
with our thinking "give him a chance to leave" we will tell old Chen what we decide before we call the





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