回複:sorry! I may be wrong

I searched internet and got answer from murthy.com

Class of Admission Defined by USCIS
Posted Mar 19, 2004

We have recently had a number of clients, as well as MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers, ask us what the USCIS means by the term "Class of Admission" on the new Form I-131, Application for Travel Document. The USCIS has confirmed that they are seeking the applicant's current immigration status. They are not looking for the status at first or most recent entry to the U.S., if different from the current status. For example, if a person entered the U.S. through a Port of Entry and was granted F-1 status, but later changed his or her status to H1B from within the U.S., the correct answer on the form for Class of Admission is H1B.

It is unclear why the USCIS decided to change the phrasing of this question. We appreciate that they have clarified the definition so that we are better able to assist our readers and clients in providing accurate information to the USCIS.
