a funny story, but it is true.

Year 1:
Picture of a very energetic, eager, 28 year old Indian immigrant who just got from Bombay. He is smiling in his new office in Seattle. He is surrounded by two computers. On his main monitor he has his Outlook opened and he is reading company's e-mail. On the second monitor he's got a Visual Studio debugger opened, logs and some server stats.

Year 4:
It shows a picture of our immigrant fellow, a little older. Now getting bald and no more smile on his face. In addition to his Outlook, on the task bar you see an icon showing a link to "immigrationportal.com". Same server log tools, same Visual Studio version.

Year 7:
One his main computer, Outlook is closed. He's got a "Visa Bulletin" page opened there. He also is browsing "immigrationportal.com" links. On his second computer a link to "yahoo.news - immigration" is also visible. There is a sign of depression on his face. There is also a Bank of America Online bank statement showing that so far he has spent $10,000 in H1B and attorney fees alone. It shows also some rental vs home ownership calculations.
